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  • 托比·海恩斯


    • 性别:
    • 星座:
    • 出生日期:
    • 出生地:
    • 英国
    • 职业:
    • 导演
    简介 Toby Haynes is a film and television director. In 2014 he directed and exec. produced all seven parts of an adaptation of the acclaimed novel by Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, for Cu ba Pictures and BBC1. Prior to that he directed the opener of the BBC's reworking of The Musketeers.In 2011, Toby directed the audacious finale to Sherlock Series 2, The Reichenbach Fall, which ignited a media frenzy around Sherlock's apparent death plunge. In his review of the episode Andrew Billen of The Times wrote, "This detective story so transcended its...