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  • 蒂莫西·斯波


    • 性别:
    • 星座:
    • 双鱼座
    • 出生日期:
    • 1957-02-27
    • 出生地:
    • 英国,伦敦,巴特西
    • 职业:
    • 演员 制片人 编剧
    简介 Spall, third of four sons, was born in Battersea, London; his father, Joe, was a postal worker, and his mother, Sylvia, a hairdresser. He trained at the National Youth Theatre and RADA, where he was a warded the Bancroft Gold Medal as the most promising actor in his year. His brother, Matthew, is studio director of the computer games company Morpheme.Initially notable in the United Kingdom for playing the gormless Barry Taylor in all five series of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, Kevin in Outside Edge and as Aubrey the appalling chef in Mike Leigh's Life is Sweet, Spall has since appeare...